SB '10: Day Three
If I thought yesterday was good... today was icing on the cake! Yes, I still had good food and good shopping... BUT I also went to Sullivan's Island and stood looking at the Atlantic Ocean squishing sand between my toes! Now THAT'S a good day.

I started my day with my 9:00 a.m. training session at Marion Square (which is conveniently located across from my hotel), where I learned about Charleston Fashion Week and was told what my duties were going to be tomorrow night. I was a little nervous about this first info session, but it went smoothly and it turned out that most of the people there were traveling by themselves also, so I'm not a complete oddball! Here is a picture of what the CFW
set-up looks like!
Then after my training session, I came back to the hotel room, slipped on my swim suit, got MapQuest directions and headed for Mount Pleasant and Sullivan's Island. This ended up being only about a ten minute drive--how awesome is that?! I also stopped at some cute boutiques along the way... they were just calling my name. I couldn't resist. So at my "36 Hours in Charleston" recommendation, I kept on US-17 and headed for Sullivan's Island.

You know you're around a lot of water when you're 10 minute drive involves a huge 2-mile long bridge and one extra long causeway to get to your destination!
After arriving on Sullivan's Island, I circled around the main road about three times because I was wondering, "WHAT IN THE HECK HAVE I GOT MYSELF INTO?" I couldn't find where to park (legally) and I couldn't find public beach access (that didn't involve hopping fences) and there weren't too many people around walking the streets... haunting. So I finally decided to park on the main street and head to my lunch spot, where hopefully I could beg the waitress for information on parking and the beach access. I ended up following my article's suggestion and at lunch at Poe's Tavern. I couldn't have found a cooler lunch spot! I sat outside at the bar (which ended up being the best place to people watch) and read my book and sipped my Diet Coke (FINALLY). It was such an awesome experience! The weather was b-e-a-utiful and everyone was so friendly. The town reminded me of a really low-key, no high-rise buildings, just beach-bummin-around-east-coast surf town. I loved it! I ordered the fish tacos, one mahi mahi with pico de gallo and one ahi tuna with pineapple relish--fabulous choice!

So after I was done eating, I did end up asking my waitress her suggestions on my issues and ended up finding a parking spot and walking to the beach. I didn't know what to expect, but it was such a pleasant beach!! (Hence the name Mt. Pleasant I guess?) I wound up laying out a blanket and parking it for the afternoon with my book. The temperature was just perfect, I couldn't have bought better weather!
Also If you look closely in the picture of the Ocean, you can see the slight resemblance of a dorsal fin popping out of the water! YEP! Too top off my afternoon on the beach, I saw one solo dolphin out in the ocean. Once again, it was too perfect!

After my afternoon on the beach at Sullivan's Island, I drove back to my hotel, showered and then walked around the College of Charleston campus. It was amazing. I could never imagine going to school somewhere so historic, so gorgeous and right in the heart of downtown Charleston. Every cobblestone street was lined with huge oak trees dripping in Spanish moss... I mean it really made me want to transfer. I even stumbled upon the sorority houses, which were in old long and skinny historic houses... here is a picture of the ADPi house. I have more but the computer is being weird and won't let me upload them! So moral of the story is: if you are at a point in your life where you are looking at colleges.... check out C of C. You'll be sold on its beauty alone!

Here is an example of what a walk to class looked like:

This is just some random house that I passed and fell in love with. I'm thinking that all it's missing is a "Welcome Home Sara Kate" sign!

After my tour of the campus, I met up with some family friends from home! It was very odd that we would both be in Charleston on the same week nights, so we thought we better take advantage of this divine timing and have a fun night--and that we did! We started off with dinner at the Charleston Crab House where we all indulged in some delectible seafood entrees!

This is just some random buildings along the residential part of Charleston... please tell me you wouldn't buy that place in a heart beat? It's too adorable for words. I want one.

After dinner The Satterfield's treated me to a Ghost Tour! Suzann was our guide and, let me tell you this, she loved her some spirits-- the spirit's of ghost, that is! Suzann knew Charleston like the back of her hand and she told us many stories that sent a chill running up my spine. She told us of where the saying "saved by the bell" came from. It was from back in the day when the Typhoid Fever was rampant... some people would catch the fever and go into a coma, only the slaves who were taking care of them did not have any medical background and do they didn't know they were just in a coma... they pronounced them dead instead! So they would bury them alive. Well soon enough they began to catch onto this mistake, so when they decided to bury someone with Typhoid Fever they would tie a string around their toe or their finger and string it through bamboo to where it was above ground, and then they would tie it to a bell. So if someone were to come out of their coma and wiggle their fingers, it would ring the bell and the grave attendant would rescue them... Saved By The Bell. Creepy huh? Yeah, thats Suzann for you. I also caught a picture of the spirits (but it came out green so I'm thinking it's more of the slimey ghostbuster-ish spirit). Needless to say, Suzann was impressed with my creature captioning abilities! That about rounded out my night, I'll leave you with this picture of me and Peyton in front of the Old Powder House! Good night everyone!

Labels: SB 2010 - Charleston
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