To Delete or Not to Delete

Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic.
I did not quit taking pictures (though there hasn't been too too much fun stuff to take picturse of recently). If anything, I'll take out my camera at the most random moment and be like "SMILE! It's for the blog!" So, I'm looking out for you guys.
But... (there's always a but) I have maxed out the number of pictures I can hold on my memory card and upload to my computer... When I plugged in my camera to upload Saturday's pictures it said "Communication Error". That's not good. No. And I will have separation anxiety if I delete any pictures off my camera, so I may have to do without for the next week without uploading pictures. But I want ya'll to see our fun-filled last week... what to do what to do! So let me know if you think I should delete some off the card or just fill it up and then upload when I get home next Sunday... Can't decide. Oh dear. Ahhhh technology!
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