Day 16: I'd Rather Be Cooking...
Our cooking class yesterday really set the bar for our classes in Italy. Being so interactive, entertaining and being able to eat it at the end -- it wasn't hard to capture our attention for 2 hours. When is it difficult to capture 20 girl's attention in a classroom? A day like today. Tuesday. All day class day. Don't get me wrong, the classes are extremely interesting and I'm learning more than I ever imagined (I may come back to America with another level to Sara Kate. Woah now, I didn't even know I could get deep and go there. Watch out!) . It's just that Mother Nature must have it out for us because it never fails that on the days we are scheduled to have class from 9-5, it's absolutely postcard picture perfect weather. She cursed us with the hottest day of the month when we had to trek across Rome, She made it rain on our scavenger hunt and it was the ideal 76 degrees outside today while we were stuck in a classroom. Dang you Mother Nature. This was our view from 9-5:30:
Our classroom in the Chigi Palace!

My notebook. I bet you got real excited when you checked the blog today and the best picture I could come up with was a snapshot of my notebook. PSYCH! Sorry to disappoint.

By 5:30 you can imagine the stir-craziness in the classroom, so when we ended our Philosophy and Mythology lecture (which was completely mind-boggling confusing) all I wanted to do was think about nothing, but we learned that nothing doesn't exist. Confusing? Yesssssssss. I needed Sparknotes! Anyways, that about sums up Tuesday in Italy. We ended the day attempting to watch the Bachelorette but our 1980 IBM community computer that works with the speakers wasn't pulling through for us. Ali will have to wait until we can find a link that works. Arrividerci :)
Labels: My Summer Abroad
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