Day 10: Class, Class Class...
Today was a day dedicated to the Chigi classroom, so that doesn't make for a very interesting blog post--my apologies! I will tell you the 4 lectures we had today though, they were: Ancient Architecture, Ancient History of the Western Civilization, Italian Conversation and History of Philosophy and Mythology. Jealous? These instructors are on a whole other playing field of intligence. What they know and how they present it so confidentally and eloquently is astounding. I literally sit there in awe that they all know this much about their culture's history. So class started at 9:30 (we had our first quiz!) and we broke at 12:10 for a break, resumed at 12:30 for Conversational Italian. After that our lunch break lasted from 2-3:30, the time in which me and Kasi and Katelyn ate lunch outside on the steps of the Palace because the weather was to die for! From 3:30 until 6:15 we were in the classroom being bombarded by Philosophy (a subject my right-brained self has trouble processing). Maurizio and Francesco also came in and gave us a brief run-through of our up and coming weeks activities! He started telling us about where our practicum placements would be (they divided us up by majors) -- and I learned that Apparel Merchandising and Product Development gets to visit FENDI! How awesome is that? That got me so excited for the rest of the summer.

My nightly events mainly consisted of cooking dinner in the Palace and searching for hotel rooms on my computer (we have flights for all our trips and now can't find any hotel rooms... Oops!!)
Tomorrow we are going to Rome and touring all of it's major sites--so that should make for some intersting photos and topics to talk about! Buenacerya :)
Labels: My Summer Abroad
Sis-Words cannot capture my mornings anticipation of your posting. Your writing skills continue to impress me! Because of you, those of us "State Side" get to live your adventure. Have fun
Love Pop
Including Hobbie...Dad printed out your blog and took it to her and she is in love with it. She can't get over your skills. That was such a fun idea, we'll update her weekly. Have a fantastic day and check your email.
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