My Life Is Complete. Literally.
It Happened. It Happened. It Happened. What happened, you ask? I found it. My life is complete. Ok hold on, I am getting ahead of myself and need to fill you in. FRIENDS SEASON 6 is what I am drooling over. If you don't know, Friends is my obsession. It's like background music to my life. Over the 3 years in college I've collected the seasons (there are 10 total), and up until last summer I had all 9--only missing 1 season. So this year I would pop in once a week in our local Target, Wal Mart and Hastings to check on the inventory of this beloved DVD set. Knowing Auburn and their lack of connection to the outside world, not one store had it. Infuriating as that was, I brushed it off and busied myself watching past episodes, hoping that one day I would find the Season 6. Well every week I checked... and checked... AND CHECKED. Nothing. I seriously thought it was like the Twilight Zone season and they didn't film it. Knowing this, you can imagine my surprise when I pop into Hastings last Wednesday and see this little green box sitting on the shelf. I think the Halleluijah chrous started playing in the background! I swiped it up and left that store happier than a fat kid at a buffet.
So nonetheless, my past week has consisted of watching these magical episodes. One of my favorites that I forgot about was "The One Where Phoebe Runs" -- I died out laughing (as usual!). Here's a clip to entertain you!!
Labels: TV Shows
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